Story by Heather


I have always loved running and triathlon. After catching Covid in 2020 and managing long covid, for what seemed like a very long 9 months, I was unable to exercise. I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to exercise again! Exercise is what makes me feel like me. After a year I was able to get back to training and haven’t ever taken it for granted since!


I have now completed 3 half Ironman triathlons, I’ve entered my first ultra marathon in May and have my sights set on a full Ironman next year! I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to run and exercise it really is a gift that I will never take for granted.


Through my career as a physio and hobby of triathlon, I have discovered the power of Pilates! Since starting Pilates I have felt so much stronger in my body and have noticed huge improvements in my triathlon training, particularly running!


With running being one of the most high impact sports for your joints, I love the fact that I am adding control and strength through the practise of Pilates. Strong muscles support joints to reduce impact, stress and pains.


I am now a sports Pilates instructor and I don’t think I would be where I am today without running! I feel so grateful for the number of doors running has opened for me – you never know what opportunities are waiting around the corner 🤗 so just keep running!